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Exploring the Seasons of Life

Dec 2, 2020

Guest Introduction:

This is Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast episode 35. I’m Cindy MacMillan and today’s guest is Jasmin Jenkins.

Welcome to Exploring the Seasons of Life, a podcast for women with a big heart on a spiritual journey. Each week, join Cindy MacMillan as she interviews coaches, spiritual explorers and celebrants from all walks of life about beginnings, endings and the messy bits in-between. Self-love, well-being, and mindset are at the heart of our conversations because once you change the inside, the outside will begin to change as well.  

Welcome back to Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast and thank you for being here. This is a really special episode, and I can’t wait for you to meet my guest today.

Jasmin Jenkins is an Integrative Grief Guide and the founder of Fall Up, a community created to support people navigating the spectrum of grief. In her work, she brings her clients into the invitations within their grief journeys. Jasmin believes that healing is a co-creative process, and it is her deepest joy to support each person she works with in welcoming grief as a profound invitation to transformation.

 Here’s a glimpse of our conversation:

2:21: What that signifies is the presence and holding everything with open heart hands, you know, seasons remind us that everything is temporary and I think there's an invitation in the reminding and in the remembering that everything is temporary, to keep the hands of our hearts open and to let everything come and to let everything go. 

6:58: The stages were pioneered by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and the stages of grief, you know, disclaimer here, you don't go through them in order. There's nothing about the stages, that is linear, but the stages are in accordance to what Elisabeth wrote in her book, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, you know, you can go in and out of them. Sometimes acceptance takes years, sometimes it never comes. 

8:46 And your grief journey with your mother loss is completely uniquely yours in relation to every other woman who's lost her mother or who has a living mother who she has to, for various reasons, be separated from, but my point in mentioning your grief is as unique as your fingerprint is that everyone will navigate the stages in their own unique way. 

11:46: So The Four Invitations is a spiritual download that I received; In January of 2019, I'd asked for a simple sacred framework that I could use to support people and understanding how to navigate the inevitable challenges that come with grief. And so, The Four Invitations, my core teaching, is that grief is an invitation for growth and transformation. And The Four Invitations are elaborating upon that and they are how you stay alive to integrating with grief as an invitation. 

22:16: In the face of death, living fully in the face of death is living fully in the face of life. You know, that's what it is. And if we're talking about in, you know, in the aftermath of a loved one's death, living fully in that is, from, you know, my experience, it's taking care of our hearts is what is how we live fully in the midst of a deeply painful, agonizing loss. 

28:54: Well, I think we've gone pretty deep Cindy, and I think that you know death, it just cuts into the depth of life. And we can't talk about death and not be in a place of depth…And I think, you know, the more that we can have these courageous conversations, the more that we can be alive to this human experience.

Resources Mentioned: 

LotusWei - To learn more about flower essences.

Al-Anon's Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions by Al-Anon

You can find Jasmin Jenkins at:

Website Instagram

Thank you for listening to this week's episode of Exploring the Seasons of Life and my conversation with Jasmin. I loved having her on the podcast and I just finished my 4th week in her newest circle series, Fall Up: Motherless Daughters and it has been life-changing.

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I want to hear from you: What has been your favorite podcast episode of Exploring the Seasons of Life in 2020?

Until next time, live inspired! 

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