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Exploring the Seasons of Life

Dec 9, 2021

“This morning the sound of rain woke me, irregular and delicious on the roof. It seems that the seasons are a gift from the year and wrap us around.” ~ John Tarrant

Guest Introduction:  

Hey, everyone, welcome to another episode of the podcast. I am so glad that you are here. 

Exploring the Seasons of Life, a podcast for women with a big heart on a spiritual journey. I'm your host Cindy MacMillan I help midlife women navigate the seasons of their life and stop waiting for permission to live the life they want.

Each week I interview coaches and spiritual explorers, from all walks of life about beginnings, endings and the messy bits in between. Self-love, well-being and mindset are at the heart of our conversations. Because once you change the inside, the outside will begin to change as well.

Before I introduce my guest today, I wanted to let you know I am planning a workshop on December 19, 2021 at 4:00 PM EST called Your Next Season Re-Imagined. We are going to  be talking about self-care and crossing the threshold into 2022 and what’s next because in the end the choice is yours.

Go out to my website and sign up for my newsletter Exploring SoL to get all the details.

I am delighted to introduce my guest.

Telma Sanchez is a bilingual life coach. She mostly works with busy working parents on maximizing time so they can feel productive, and energized vs defeated and tired. She specializes in time management, self-reflection, and accountability in order to help her clients prioritize self-care so they can unleash their full potential and show up as best version in their lives.

Here’s a glimpse of our conversation:

Hi, Telma. Thanks so much for joining me today.  

2:52 Honoring my today means I appreciate the season in which I'm currently living. I try to be fully immersed in it and present. So, I don't miss out on anything by trying to chase the next great thing. 

6:05 I feel like there's always like a tipping point in your life in which if you pay close attention, your mind and body are probably begging you for a change. 

6:50 I define self-care as the realization, I guess the moment, that I realized that in order to show up as my best self, I need to start with me. I mean, I need to fill up my own cup in order to fill up others. And as a woman, we carry so many hats, and we feel so many other people's cups, that we often don't realize that we can pull out of an empty kettle. 

12:38 And I need self-care, which means that you need self-care, which means that our kids need self-care. So, everybody gets to benefit from it. 

13:06 Boundaries, the word boundaries has such a negative connotation to it, I don't get it. To me boundaries are like a beautiful thing. 

20:51 So you have to go in with a mindset of like, I'm here to learn, I want to try something new, because I want to learn if I like it, if I don't, then the worst thing that can happen is just like never again, never again.

You can find Telma Sanchez at:

 Website Instagram Facebook

 If you LOVED this conversation with Telma Sanchez you’ll also love the conversations we had with:

Finding Your Inner Peace with Lydia Knoor

Let’s get Vulnerable with Kayleen Johnson

The Power of Your Emotions with Manisha Tare

The Resilient Family with Amy Saloner

A Self-love Mindset with Martine Felton

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