Dec 23, 2020
This is Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast episode 38. I’m Cindy MacMillan and today’s guest is Cathy Cheshire.
Welcome to Exploring the Seasons of Life, a podcast for women with a big heart on a spiritual journey. Each week, join Cindy MacMillan as she interviews coaches, spiritual explorers, and celebrants from all walks of life about beginnings, endings, and the messy bits in-between. Self-love, well-being, and mindset are at the heart of our conversations because once you change the inside, the outside will begin to change as well.
After dark seasons of great loss, Cathy Cheshire discovered the most helpful information from academic experts. Sharing this healthy grief and healing information in easy to understand terms, she created programs for learning, receiving grief coaching, and becoming a certified grief coach.
Cathy has several free downloadable gifts about healing at
(3:00) And then desperate for love, going through three divorces, and then ultimately the worst loss, of my only child and then 10 years later, my husband's only child. Those in the depths of that grief, there is a pain that I didn't even know existed. And I struggled to find healthy information.
(11:00) You know, I am saying what I what I've come to learn is healing is about being whole, our mind, our emotions, our body, and our spirit, which I've gone through periods of time and ignored to my own detriment. So, the thought part is, and one of the free gifts talks about thought, mind, emotion, the body, the most profound lesson for me, is that I am in control of my mind.
(16:44) But what happens is, and what happened to me is, we go along our robotic life until something happens to shake us to look at our beliefs, to listen to the whispers that if we allow ourselves in meditation, or prayer or even just calming the mind, to be guided, and, and in my research, religious people call it God, spiritual people call it collective consciousness. And even scientists call it the quantum field, there are powers to guide us, if we are allowing ourselves to come to a place that we will let that happen.
(34:27) I would tell them, everything's going to be okay. Nobody ever said that to me. And so I never thought it would. But I know that now. If I can get through the death of two children, I can get through anything.
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.
In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness by Peter A. Levine
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Until next time live inspired!
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