Jun 30, 2020
Cindy: (00:00)
This is Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast episode 15. I’m Cindy
MacMillan and today I am being interviewed by my friend Debra
Cindy: (00:10)
Welcome to Exploring the Seasons of Life, a podcast for women with
a big heart on a spiritual journey. Each week join Cindy MacMillan
as she...
Jun 22, 2020
“You would be surprised at the healing power of a simple “I love you” from a dying parent to a child or vice versa. This is not always easy, of course, yet a lifetime of mistakes can be undone through forgiveness even at the end of a life.” ~ Alberto Villoldo
Cindy (00:00):
This is Exploring the Seasons of Life...
Jun 9, 2020
This is Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast episode # 14. I’m Cindy MacMillan and today’s guest is Ellen Stewart.
Welcome to Exploring the Seasons of Life, a podcast for professional women over 40 who are trying to be everything to everyone and forgetting themselves in the process. Each week, join Cindy MacMillan...